- Things are happening
9th May 2018
Wow, what a month I’ve had during April. Autism in work has been a huge focus of my time outside of my day job. Earlier in the month I attended the official launch of a new charity, AutismForward, which was a great chance to meet colleagues from a variety of organisations interested in this subject. ...Read more - A new job!
27th March 2018
So I’ve started a new job, and have faced the usual challenge of meeting new people, getting to understand a new culture, and the business norms that exist in my new employer – many of which are vastly different from the one I’ve just left. And I am very lucky – the new team ...Read more - Autism In Work in the news
22nd February 2018
So maybe it is just because I have recently completed my formal Literature review, as part of doctoral research, looking at all the key articles ever written about Autism in the Work place, but everywhere I turn this month I seem to have encountered people writing and talking about this topic. This started with a conversation ...Read more - New Year reflections on the end of an era…
16th January 2018
So, as we start 2018 I have had the luxury of almost two weeks away from work. I always find this time of year a time for reflections on the year that is concluding, and at the same time a chance to look ahead to the New Year just beginning. This is especially so for ...Read more